Gestul a două prezentatoare face înconjurul lumii: Ce au arătat, în direct / VIDEO


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| 29-07-2016 21:13


Pic shows: TV journalists breastfeeding. Thousands of women have took to the streets and the internet in protest after police officers forbid a woman from breast-feeding in public. Coni Santos, 22, was leaving the bank when her 9-month-old  son Dante started crying for a feed. The young moher sat on a bench in a nearby park in the town of San Isidro, one of the suburbs of the eastern region of Buenos Aires. She then started to breastfeed her baby when two police officers came up to her and asked for her ID. They informed the woman that she cannot breastfeed in public. When she told them her son was hungry and she cannot afford to book into a private suite every time she has to breastfeed, Coni was told she could be taken to the police station. The mother left the park, furious about what had happened. She went to submit a complaint to the Commissariat for Women, but was told that no abuse had been inflicted and therefore there was no grounds to complain. The determined mother then made her case public social media. Within hours thousands of users shared her story and organised a protest. On Saturday thousands of women gathered in the same park with their babies and simultaneously breastfed their children to show their support to Coni. The event was named

Două prezentatoare și-au scos sânii din cămașă, în timpul transmisiunii directe, în mod neașteptat. Prezentatoarele de televiziune au alăptat în direct, în semn de protest față de o întâmplare recentă care a avut loc în suburbiile din Buenos Aires, Argentina. María Belén Musolino și Paola Fernández, de la Canal 10 de Río Negro, și-au adus bebelușii în platou și i-au alăptat, în direct.

O femeie care își alăpta bebelușul de nouă luni în stradă a fost oprită și legitimată de polițiști, potrivit Autoritățile i-au spus că nu are voie să alăpteze în public.

Ulterior, mama a povestit cele întâmplate pe o rețea socială, iar mii de femei au început să o sprijine, publicând fotografii cu ele în timp ce își hrănesc bebelușii de la sân. Și modelul Evangelina Anderson, soția jucătorului de la s-a alăturat mișcării, postând poze în timp ce alăptează.

Pic shows: Evangelina Anderson, wife of footballer Martin Demichelis.nnThousands of women have took to the streets and the internet in protest after police officers forbid a woman from breast-feeding in public.nnConi Santos, 22, was leaving the bank when her 9-month-old  son Dante started crying for a feed.nThe young moher sat on a bench in a nearby park in the town of San Isidro, one of the suburbs of the eastern region of Buenos Aires. She then started to breastfeed her baby when two police officers came up to her and asked for her ID.nnThey informed the woman that she cannot breastfeed in public. When she told them her son was hungry and she cannot afford to book into a private suite every time she has to breastfeed, Coni was told she could be taken to the police station.nnThe mother left the park, furious about what had happened. She went to submit a complaint to the Commissariat for Women, but was told that no abuse had been inflicted and therefore there was no grounds to complain.nnThe determined mother then made her case public social media. Within hours thousands of users shared her story and organised a protest.nnOn Saturday thousands of women gathered in the same park with their babies and simultaneously breastfed their children to show their support to Coni.nnThe event was named

Pic shows: Evangelina Anderson, wife of footballer Martin Demichelis.nnThousands of women have took to the streets and the internet in protest after police officers forbid a woman from breast-feeding in public.nnConi Santos, 22, was leaving the bank when her 9-month-old son Dante started crying for a feed.nThe young moher sat on a bench in a nearby park in the town of San Isidro, one of the suburbs of the eastern region of Buenos Aires. She then started to breastfeed her baby when two police officers came up to her and asked for her ID.nnThey informed the woman that she cannot breastfeed in public. When she told them her son was hungry and she cannot afford to book into a private suite every time she has to breastfeed, Coni was told she could be taken to the police station.nnThe mother left the park, furious about what had happened. She went to submit a complaint to the Commissariat for Women, but was told that no abuse had been inflicted and therefore there was no grounds to complain.nnThe determined mother then made her case public social media. Within hours thousands of users shared her story and organised a protest.nnOn Saturday thousands of women gathered in the same park with their babies and simultaneously breastfed their children to show their support to Coni.nnThe event was named „La Teteada Masiva” (¿The Massive Breastathon¿)nnTheir campaign was even joined by female TV news anchors on national channel ¿Canal 10¿ who breastfed their babies whilst they reported the news live on air.nnSocial media figures and celebrities also posted breastfeeding photos such as Argentinean Playboy model Evangelina Anderson, who is married to former Manchester City defender Martin Demichelis.nnActress Griselda Siciliani, 38, posted an Instagram photo showing her naked boob next to her 4-year-old sleeping son. The picture was later deleted by the website for violating the terms of use.nnModel and TV host Paula Chaves also posted a picture breast feeding her 2-year-old daughter.nnThe online trend under the hashtag #LaTeteadaMasiva continues to rage through the country, meanwhile authorities have not commented on the behaviour of the officers.nn(ends)n




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PUBLICAȚIE DE VÂNZARE. Subscrisa, Management Reorganizare Lichidare Iaşi S.P.R.L., în calitate de lichidator judiciar al debitoarei IDIS CONSTRUCT S.R.L., cu sediul în Sat Chilișeni, Comuna Udești, nr. 5, Jud. Suceava, C.U.I. 24430897, nr. de înreg. Registrul Comerțului J33/1398/2008, potrivit Sentinței civile nr. 189/2018 din data de 02.04.2018, pronunţată de Tribunalul Suceava, în dosarul nr. 947/86/2018, anunţă scoaterea la vânzare prin licitaţie publică cu strigare, în conformitate cu prevederile Încheierii din 28.03.2023 a Tribunalului Suceava și în conformitate cu dispozițiile Noului Cod de Procedură Civilă, la data de 13.05.2024, ora 13.00, a următoarelor active aflate în proprietatea S.C. Idis Construct S.R.L., respectiv: Nr. activ: Activ 1, Denumire și descriere active: Proprietate Imobiliara - TEREN ARABIL – intravilan cu suprafata de 2.500 mp, identificat cu nr. cad. 30009, inscris in Cartea Funciara nr. 30009 UAT Udesti, situat in sat Chiliseni, comuna Udesti, judet Suceava. Valoare de piață stabilită de evaluator (lei, fără T.V.A.*): 37.400,00 lei. Valoarea de pornire la licitație (lei, fără T.V.A.): 18.700,00 lei. Persoanele care pretind vreun drept asupra bunurilor ce urmează a fi scoase la vânzare au obligaţia, sub sancţiunea decăderii, să facă dovada acestui fapt până la data de 10.05.2024, ora 13.00, la sediul lichidatorului judiciar din mun. Iași, Aleea Nicolina, nr. 82, jud. Iași. Ofertanții sunt obligați să depună până la data de 10.05.2024, ora 13.00, toate documentele menționate în publicația de vânzare/caietul de sarcini, precum și o garanție reprezentând 10% din prețul de pornire la licitație, în contul de lichidare al societății debitoare. Componenţa şi descrierea activelor scoase la vânzare sunt cuprinse în caietele de sarcini, care se pot procura de la sediul lichidatorului judiciar din mun. Iași, Aleea Nicolina, nr. 82, jud. Iași, în fiecare zi de luni până vineri, până la data de 22.06.2023, ora 13.00. Relaţii suplimentare se pot obţine la tel: 0232/243.864, 0751/084.083.
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